In 2011, researchers from McGill University and the University of Grenoble created the Network on Technological Innovation, Uncertainty and Responsibility, an international network of European and North American scholars interested in analyzing the relationships between the law of responsibility and science and technology. The long term objective of this group is the development of collaborative projects between its members. The Network meets every two years. Following the inaugural meeting held at the Faculty of Law of McGill University (Montreal , Canada) in 2012, the Network met in 2014 at the Facoltà di Giurisprudenza of the University of Trento (Trento , Italy), and then in 2016 at the Faculté de droit, économie, gestion et AES de l’Université de Bretagne Occidentale (Brest , France).


The 4th meeting of the Network will be held from June 6 to 8 in Quebec, Canada

Theme of the seminar:Product safety has become a major societal concern due to the abundance of failures in protecting the health of consumers. While the population benefits greatly from technological innovation, new products may carry hazards and risks, often uncertain at the time of commercialization, and have the potential to inflict serious harm on consumers. […] Read more